Call for Abstract

2nd World Congress on Psychiatry and Psychology, will be organized around the theme “Post Covid-19 Challenges on Mental Health”

Psychiatry Conference 2021 is comprised of 15 tracks and 13 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Psychiatry Conference 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Psychology and Psychiatry are professions which complement each other in the study, identification and treatment of mental health problems. They both cover the large areas of research in the complex web of human behaviour, in both normal and abnormal cases.

Psychology is generally the Science of the Mind. It is the scientific study of how the human mind works and it emphasises on how the physical brain interact personality, intellect, environment, life experience and brain chemistry work together and help creating a unique individual. Psychiatry is the branch of medicine which is concerned with the understanding, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the mind. The disorders can involve emotions, behaviour, perceptions and cognition (thinking). Psychiatry is one of the most varied, interesting and rewarding specialties in medicine. Every day can be different and every patient seen is unique.

Loss, confinement, loss of income and dread are setting off emotional well-being conditions or exacerbating existing ones. So many individuals might be confronting/ facing increased levels of alcohol and drug use, insomnia and anxiety. In the interim, COVID-19 itself can prompt neurological and mental difficulties, for example, delirium, agitation, and stroke. Individuals with prior mental, neurological or substance use problems are likewise more vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection ̶ they may stand a higher risk of serious results and even death.

  • Track 2-1Suicide during Covid-19 outbreak
  • Track 2-2Substance abuse and Covid-19
  • Track 2-3Emotional wellbeing during Covid-19
  • Track 2-4Covid-19 and Panic attacks, anxiety, depression
  • Track 2-5Fear of Covid-19 and heart attack

After the sudden outbreak of pandemic has created widespread panic and anxiety, psychiatrists played vital role in supporting the well-being of those affected and their families, the at risk healthcare staffs as well as the general public. Mental health workers did their best and still doing their best giving people quality knowledge on how to control fear, anxiety and depression.

Psychological trauma is common and 60 to 80% people experience this during their lifetime. The reactions to a trauma can include intrusive thoughts, nightmares, avoidance of reminders of the trauma, self-blame, being “on edge,” concern for safety, irritability, and concentration problems. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that can develop after experiencing a psychological trauma when these reactions persist for a month or more and cause substantial distress and disruption in one’s life. PTSD is much less common than trauma exposure.

As COVID-19 has quickly become a global health emergency resulting in not only physical health concerns but also psychological concerns as people are exposed to unexpected deaths or threats of death, fear of isolation and losing out jobs, family members, friends and many more.

There are so many things going on since the Covid-19 outbreak has started but one thing that did not get any spot light that what happens to the corona patients after they are discharged from the critical care. There is a common assumption going viral among people that, when someone tests negative after the detection of the corona virus and gets discharged after treatment, the problem is resolved. But PICS may be the next public health crisis when the covid-19 issue settles down a bit.

Covid-19 primarily is a respiratory disease but it can also lead to neurological problems. The first of these symptoms could be the loss of smell and taste, while some people also may battle with headaches, debilitating fatigue, and trouble thinking clearly, sometimes referred to as “brain fog”.

According to research it is clear that, “the presence of neurological problems remains an open question till now, but it’s safe to conclude that “neurological problems are not rare for Covid-19 patients,”  and estimates say that 30% to 50% of hospitalized patients have neurological issues.

During this corona virus pandemic, Children encountered stress, tension and dread, and this can incorporate the sorts of fears that are fundamentally the same as those accomplished by grown-ups. On the off chance that schools have shut as a part of necessary measures, at that point kids may presently don't have that feeling of design and incitement that is given by that climate, and now they have less freedom to be with their companions and get that social help that is fundamental for acceptable mental prosperity.

After the coronavirus pandemic started, It has been indicated that compared to adults, this pandemic may continue to have increased long term adverse consequences on children and adolescents (Shen et al., 2020). The nature and extent of impact on this age group depend on many vulnerability factors such as the developmental age, current educational status, having special needs, pre-existing mental health condition, being economically under privileged and child/ parent being quarantined due to infection or fear of infection.

There are so many researches that enhance the existing literature on the emotional and mental health of COVID-19 patients and affected persons who have spent prolonged time intervals in self-isolation or quarantine. There are adverse physical and psychological consequences developed from the Covid-19 pandemic. Lockdown, quarantine, isolation, fear of dying, fear of losing own people, losing jobs to staying away from dear ones and many more adverse effects happened to our mental health.

The current global pandemic and the novel social situations like lockdown, isolation and quarantine have hit women badly with affecting their mental health even worse. Though the initial reports were not in favour of any vertical transmission of COVID-19 from the mother to the Infant during pregnancy, the recent researches say the contrary. i.e. Pregnant women infected by the viruses are found to develop severe forms of the disease, with increased risk of preterm deliveries, abortions and perinatal and maternal mortality. Also, women are more likely to lose job or financial independence when resources are limited; more likely to lose their school or education as a whole when more support needed in family, or education is only technology based

Some of the other reasons of women mental health issues could be following:

  • Track 9-1Multiple roles of women in life and family
  • Track 9-2Increased home stay of whole family putting extra burden of care on the women in house
  • Track 9-3For poor families, the less resource and limited support always hit the women first and worst as well
  • Track 9-4Loss of jobs
  • Track 9-5Women as a health care worker during COVID 19
  • Track 9-6Work from home is stress for a working women while with the whole family
  • Track 9-7Domestic violence during covid-19 has also increased during this period and that hit hardly to women
  • Track 9-8Childbirth care stress

As the pandemic has led to a massive global public health campaign to slow the spread of the virus, the increase of hand washing, reduced face touching, wearing masks in public and physical distancing has become natural and the new normal. While, development of pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19 is under way, the social and behavioural science can provide valuable insights for managing the pandemic and its impacts on public mental health.

So many other studies say that being optimistic in the times of crisis is the key to maintain a good social and personal emotional behaviour. People kept low in their lives and within a limited circle and it has changed the social behaviour a lot and may be the society has become more peaceful but the fear of being infected is still a matter of concern. Travelling out, going for outings, marketing, shopping and outdoor activities has become limited.

During the corona virus pandemic it has been studied that, people are more confused of the mental health crisis that has been increasing day by day. If the mental health problems are becoming psychiatric disorders or it is just the psychological syndromes that will go away with the control over Covid-19 after the vaccines come to its action.

Rehabilitation is important for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) infection. We conducted a review of the most recent reports on mental health treatments. The complexity of the clinical setting and the speed of spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, which leads to rapid occupation of beds in the intensive care unit, make it necessary to discharge patients with Covid-19 who have mild symptoms as soon as possible.

Rehabilitation now days are a key strategy to reduce the impact of Covid-19 on the health and function of people. Physiotherapists are essential to these rehabilitation efforts in all phases to facilitate early discharge, but even more to support and empower patients. Rehabilitation has a positive effect on mental and physical health outcomes of patients with severe Covid-19. The aim of rehabilitation is to improve recovery and reduce disability or the experience thereof.

In addition to various psychological problems like depression, anxiety, and panic disorder, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused more severe threats to the lives and physical health of people around the globe. In response to the problems created by the pandemic, various public health strategies and measures has been taken. Such as isolation of infected or at-risk persons, reduction of social contact, and simple hygiene like frequent hand wash, have been advised to reduce the risk of infection. Although isolation helped in achieving the goal of reducing infections, but it resulted in reduced access to family, friends, and other social support systems causes loneliness increasing mental issues like anxiety and depression.

Once the Corona virus has started people around the globe has been running after saving their own life and taking measures that are safe. The prevention measures have been taken by the government and people had to follow the measures for the safety. But It has created a panic situation everywhere and left people with confusion whether these safety measures are useful or not, shall we follow these precautions or not. PPE kits created many health issues among the healthcare workers. Respiratory illness to other health conditions and still it is a mandate for the health care workers. These PPE kits created mental illness among the health care division.

Likely the isolation rooms were designed to keep the infected persons isolated from the world including, family friends and near ones. But in the time of isolation the mental health of the patient as well as the family got affected severely. Anxiety, dread, fright, fear of losing life and loosing dear ones are a matter of top concern and after recovering also people faced anxiety attacks and some went into depression and so many mental conditions have been developed.

During the pandemic, adverse mental health consequences, including anxiety and depression, have been widely predicted but not yet accurately measured. A range of physical health risk factors for COVID-19 are there, but it is not known if there are also psychiatric risk factors or not. Still researches are going on and it is yet to be disclosed that, what is the total estimated mental health issues have been diagnosed and treated carefully and how many are still undiagnosed. There are many researches going on and new studies are still carried out each day.